Our Priorities
Key Priorities in 2021-22 |
Quality of Education and Assessment |
Key Priority 1 Develop a well-planned, progressive and innovative curriculum for all, led with ‘visionary’ subject leadership which reflects the school’s purpose and core values. Key Priority 2 Address the gaps in children’s Writing, including developing pupils’ language capability to support their reading and writing. Teach writing composition strategies through modelling and supported practice. Key Priority 3 To continue to raise attainment in Maths and to narrow the gap for children reaching ARE with national expectations. |
Leadership and Management |
Key Priority 4 To ensure all middle leaders with responsibility for leading subjects have the right skill set and subject knowledge and are able to give clear account for the impact of their work on:
Key Priority 5 To implement a coaching and mentoring programme for all teachers to ensure the impact of the taught curriculum is strong and pupils’ work across the curriculum is consistently of a high quality. |
Behaviour and Attitudes |
Key Priority 6 Maintain attendance at least National Average and improve punctuality post COVID, especially for vulnerable pupils
Key Priority 7 Well-being Culture, ethos and environment: the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff is promoted through the ‘hidden’ or ‘informal’ curriculum, including leadership practice, the school’s policies, values and attitudes, together with the social and physical environment;
Teaching: using the curriculum to develop pupils’ knowledge about health and well-being
Partnerships with families and the community: proactive engagement with families, outside agencies, and the wider community to promote consistent support for children’s health and well-being
Personal Development |
Key priority 8 To empower children with a clear understanding of themselves as learners
Effectiveness of EYFS |
Key Priority 9 Continue to improve the provision in the EYFS in order to close the gap between CBC and LA data; with a particular focus on attainment in Reading, Writing, Number and GLD Key Priority 10 Develop the EYFS outdoor areas to improve opportunities and experiences |