Doing everything in love, go and do likewise!

Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Ellis-Rushton

Mrs Harrop

Mrs Lyons





YEAR 6 2023-4



SATS week begins on the 13th May - please do not book any holidays or days out of school during this week. 

Many thanks to everyone who made it to the SATs meeting yesterday;  the presentation has been attached. If you have any questions regarding the SATs tests, then please do not hesitate to come and chat to a member of the team.

SATs Presentation May 2024.sats-presentation-to-parents_2024.pptx

The timetable for the SATs week is below:

Monday 13th May 2024- English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling- Paper 1 and 2.

Tuesday 14th May 2024 - English Reading Test

Wednesday 15th May 2024- Mathematics Paper 1 (Arithmetic) and Paper 2 (Reasoning)

Thursday 16th May 2024 - Mathematics Paper 3 (Reasoning)


PE days

PE for both classes this term is a Wednesday.

We have spoken to the children about what constitutes their PE kit; however, just as a reminder it is black/ navy shorts, a plain white t-shirt and trainers.


Forest School

This term, the Year 6 classes will have Forest School every Thursday. On days where your child is at Forest school, they will need to come to school in suitable clothing that you do not mind if they get dirty. These will need to include a waterproof coat, long sleeved top, long trousers and sensible shoes (no open toes). For the summmer term, they will also need suncream and a sun hat in warm weather. 




We would really appreciate it if you could support your child with reading. In Year 6, this could include you sharing the reading with your child and/or having discussions about what they are reading. Although we will remind them of the need to regularly change their book once completed, they also need to work on becoming increasingly independent and reminding themselves. Reading for pleasure and enjoyment is something that we will continue to encourage; any reading completed can be written in their reading record book. We would like them to read at least 4 times throughout the week; their reading record books will be collected in on a Friday to celebrate all that has happened throughout the week. 


SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)

Each week, your child will have lessons in spelling, punctuation and grammar, they will then have a piece of homework set on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday.  Your child will receive login details to '' website to complete these activities. 

Please find below the link to the Grammar terminology.

Tenses terminology

Year 6 Grammar Glossary




Maths homework will be using the online programme ‘My Maths’; this will be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday. 



If you would like further information regarding the spellings that we will be covering in Year 6 , please use the following link.

2023 Key stage 2  spelling content domains.pdf - Google Drive



At the beginning and end of the school day, there will always be a member of the Year 6 team on the door; please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns. Alternatively, you could contact us via email.


Class representatives


Congratulations to our class representatives who were voted by their peers for the following positions:


School Councillor - Owen

Science Ambassador - Oscar

Sports Representatives - Evie W and Daniel

Digital Leader - Caroline

Faith Leader - Hannah

Eco Representative - Ben



School Councillor -  Adam D

Science Ambassador - Issy

Sports Representatives - Sam-Nok and Divena

Digital Leader - Giulia

Faith Leader - Annie

Eco Representative - Emmeline


Min Y Don

Please see the galleries at the bottom of the page for photographs from our trip to Min Y Don. We had a fabulous time!


Our Curiiculum Overview for Spring 2024.

Curriculum map 2024 spring.jpg



Listen to our very special message from Charlie Mackesy who wrote 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse'. 





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6HER Min-y-Don, by Mrs Harrop

Min Y Don 6LER, by Mrs Lyons

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