Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Ellis-Rushton
Mrs Harrop
Mrs Lyons
YEAR 6 2024-25
Welcome Back
Welcome back to school - we hope you had a lovely summer holiday. Below is some information which should be useful as we start a new academic year.
Important Dates:
Year 6 meeting - Wednesday 18th September at 3:15pm in the school hall - this will be a chance to meet the teachers and to hear all about our residential to Min Y Don which is happening from the 7th - 9th October for 6LER and the 9th - 11th October for 6HER. If you cannot make this meeting, we will post the presentation on this page so you can see the information given out.
Min-Y-Don - 7th - 9th October for 6LER and the 9th - 11th October for 6HER
Open morning - Wednesday 16th October 9-9:30am - this is a chance to come into school to see your child's classroom and the work they have been doing so far.
SATS talk - Wednesday 16th October 9:30 - 10 am - straight after the open morning, we are holding a talk about the SATS tests which will happen during the week of the 12th May - Thursday 15th May. Please do not book any holidays or days out of school during this week.
Parent evenings - Tuesday 22nd October 5-7:30pm online and Thursday 24th October 3:30 - 6pm face to face.
PE days
PE for both classes this term is a Tuesday. For the first half of the term, we will be doing dance inside. We have spoken to the children about what constitutes their PE kit; however, just as a reminder it is black/ navy shorts, a plain white t-shirt and trainers.
Forest School
Secondary School open days – You will need to submit your choice for high schools by the end of October, so please do look out for the open evenings over the next few weeks if you are still deciding where to go.
These are the dates of the ones we have been made aware of so far:
Wednesday 11th September – Blacon High School
Tues 17th Sep – Calday Grammar School
Wednesday 18th Sep – Queen’s Park High School and West Kirby Grammar School
Thursday 19th Sep – The Catholic High School, Chester
Tuesday 24th Sep – Bishops Blue Coat Cof E High School
Wednesday 25th Sep = Christleton High School
Thursday 26th Sep – Upton by Chester High School
We would really appreciate it if you could support your child with reading. In Year 6, this could include you sharing the reading with your child and/or having discussions about what they are reading. Although we will remind them of the need to regularly change their book once completed, they also need to work on becoming increasingly independent and reminding themselves. Reading for pleasure and enjoyment is something that we will continue to encourage. Although they woill not have a reading record this year, we would like them to read at least 4 times throughout the week.
SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
Each week, your child will have lessons in spelling, punctuation and grammar, they will then have a piece of homework set on a Friday to be completed by the following Thursday. Your child will receive login details to '' website to complete these activities.
Please find below the link to the Grammar terminology.
Maths homework will be using the online programme ‘My Maths’; this will be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Thursday. Your child will receive login details for this as well.
If you would like further information regarding the spellings that we will be covering in Year 6 , please use the following link.
2023 Key stage 2 spelling content domains.pdf - Google Drive
By clicking on the links below you will find spellings that different groups will be focusing on. They are First 100 High Frequency Words, Next 200 High Frequency Words, Year 3 and 4 Statutory spelling list as well as Year 5 and 6 Statutory spelling list. Throughout the year, your child will be tested -at least termly- on their particular list; during the school week, there will be time for them to practise their own words.
First 100 High Frequency
Next 200 High Frequency Words.
Year 3 and 4 Statutory words.
Year 5 and 6 Statutory words.
At the beginning and end of the school day, there will always be a member of the Year 6 team on the door; please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns. Alternatively, you could contact us via email.
Class representatives
Congratulations to our class representatives who were voted by their peers for the following positions:
School Councillor - Elias Samir
Science Ambassador - Bobby Holden-Tucker
Sports Representatives - Tai Halsall and Jack Lewis
Digital Leader - Edward Cook
Faith Leader - Hollie Martin
Eco Representative - Felix Deeny
School Councillor - Connor Gallagher
Science Ambassador - Elijah Coyne
Sports Representatives - Harry Scott and Olivia Wojcik
Digital Leader - Bradley Cukubagli
Faith Leader - Midi Bolarinwa
Eco Representative - Matthew Dugdale