Doing everything in love, go and do likewise!

COP 26

During November, we found out more about COP 26 and what we can all do to make a difference to our 'Earth'.

You will find some of our Colective Worship Presentations (delivered on-line due to COVID restrictions) as well as some of the children's responses to the worship.

COP 26 new.png

WB 15th Nov.pptx

DA new.png

WB 2nd Nov.pptx

18th October 2021.png

WB 18thOct.pptx


Some of the children's responses to the COP26 Worship.

COP 26 map.png Cop 26 poster.png

Cop26 .pngEnvironment.png

William 1.pngWilliam.png


Cop 26 10 new.png  Cop 23 10 reasons.png




TH new.png










A Prayer written by Ify (Faith Team Leader) and Julia K in Year 5.


Dear Lord
Climate change is affecting our world, so we ask for your blessings to help revive the beautiful planet we live on. Every day litter is being misplaced and has caused pollution for the animals in the ocean. Trees are being cut down which is causing deforestation. As a result, there is less air for us to breathe. We need to fix this.
Thank you for your time and patience; however, we need your help to grow this world into a better place. 


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