Welcome to Chester Blue Coat Church of England Primary School
Our school is diverse and interesting, full of life and character, with children and families from all over Chester and the rest of the World. As a Church of England Aided school, we work as a Christian family and want the best for our children, just like you do. Our children get a rich and full experience here, with so many cultures, languages and differences around them; they are able to learn about each other, the World and their future in a safe and caring place. The children who come here do well at school, in their academic and social skills because we focus on the skills that children need to be a good citizen who cares.
The Bluecoat school has been in Chester since 1700 and is still committed to doing the very best for the families and children of this city. We are very proud of our history and our Christian foundation to serve the people of Chester.
Mr M Hover