Doing everything in love, go and do likewise!

Changes to Assessment in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Pupils

Dear Parents

Changes to Assessment in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Pupils

Following the Open Afternoon yesterday we held a meeting about the changes in education introduced by the Government, surrounding assessing pupils’ attainment and progress. Due to popular demand, we will be repeating this meeting during the parents’ evening sessions next week, as follows:

Tuesday 8th March             6.00pm-6.20pm      and     7.00pm-7.20pm

Thursday 10th March         4.00pm-4.20pm      and     5.00pm-5.20pm

Although this is aimed primarily at parents with children in Year 1-Year 6, if parents of children in Reception would like to know what will happen once their child enters Key Stage 1 they are also very welcome to attend the meeting, which will be held in the Small Hall.

During this informal talk we will share some of the updates and implications as a result of these changes and look at how they will affect your child. We look forward to welcoming you into school next week and hopefully clarifying and addressing any concerns. If you are unable to attend, we will provide some useful information in future newsletters.

Yours truly

V O’Brien

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